Basic Auth

Basic Auth is not required. If you use a reverse proxy like nginx you can use a better form that is also able to save passwords in your phone. If you decide to use basic auth you need to set all three variables below. Otherwise, the container will crash with an error message as a safety measure.

BASIC_AUTHSet to true if you want to use basic auth
USERNAMEUsername for basic auth
PASSWORDPassword for basic auth


PodFetch also supports OIDC authentication. If you want to use it you need to set the following variables.

If you enable it you need to disable BASIC_AUTH as it is not possible to use both at the same time.

Once you have created the user you intend to use as admin, you are then required to promote this user to admin via the command line.

Assuming your podfetch container is called $PODFETCH this can be done as follows, illustrating how the user sam is elevated to admin. (or uploader)

  • Login with OIDC as user sam
  • Run docker exec -it $PODFETCH /app/podfetch users update
  • Enter the name sam
  • Enter role
  • Enter admin
  • Login as sam again and you should find sam is now an admin.


OIDC_AUTHFlag if OIDC should be enabledtrue
OIDC_AUTHORITYThe url of the OIDC authority.<keycloak-url>/realms/master
OIDC_CLIENT_IDThe client id of the OIDC client.podfetch
OIDC_REDIRECT_URIThe URI the OIDC authority redirects to after authentication.<your-server-url>/ui/login
OIDC_SCOPEThe scope of the oidc tokenopenid profile email
OIDC_JWKSThe JWKS token uri<keycloak-url>/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs

Note: For OIDC authorities that allow for selecting between Confidential/Private and Public for the Client Type (for example Authentik), use Public, as PodFetch does not need a client secret.


This assumes you already have OIDC set up in Authelia and your Authelia instance is being served on a subdomain https://auth.DOMAIN.COM with podfetch being served on it's own subdomain at https://podfetch.DOMAIN.COM

Podfetch Configuration

OIDC_AUTHFlag if OIDC should be enabledtrue
OIDC_AUTHORITYThe url of the OIDC authority.https://auth.DOMAIN.COM
OIDC_CLIENT_IDThe client id of the OIDC client.podfetch
OIDC_REDIRECT_URIThe URI the OIDC authority redirects to after authentication.https://podfetch.DOMAIN.COM/ui/login
OIDC_SCOPEThe scope of the oidc tokenopenid profile email
OIDC_JWKSThe JWKS token urihttps://auth.DOMAIN.COM/jwks.json

Authelia Configuration

Configure the OIDC client in Authelia as below, you can change your authorization_policy and consent_mode according to your needs.

      - id: podfetch
        description: Podfetch
        public: true
        authorization_policy: one_factor
          - openid
          - profile
          - email
        consent_mode: explicit
          - https://podfetch.DOMAIN.COM/ui/login
        userinfo_signing_algorithm: none

Reverse Proxy

You can also use a reverse proxy like nginx to do the authentication. PodFetch supports this mode by setting the following variables:

REVERSE_PROXYFlag if reverse proxy should be enabledtrue
REVERSE_PROXY_HEADERThe url of the reverse proxy.X-FORWARDED-FOR
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTO_SIGN_UPFlag if PodFetch should automatically sign up userstrue

User Creation

You can create an admin, user, or uploader either through CLI or via invites.

To generate an invite, log into Podfetch → Top Right Icon → User Administration → Invites