

  • Set the SERVER_URL environment variable to the url of the proxy.
  • Turn on websocket support in your proxy

You won't be able to use your service via the plain local url as the websocket connection will fail.

If the SERVER_URL starts with

  • https => Secured Websocket (wss)
  • http => Unsecured Websocket (ws)


PodFetch can also send messages via Telegram if a new episode was downloaded.

To enable it you need to set the following variables:

TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKENThe Bot token that you can acquire from Botfather with /newbotasdj23:hsifuhi234klerlf...sadasd
TELEGRAM_BOT_CHAT_IDThe chat id of the chat where the bot should send the messages123456789
TELEGRAM_API_ENABLEDIf the telegram api should be enabled.true

You can acquire the Telegram Bot chat id with the following steps:

  1. Write a message to the bot
  2. Open the following url in your browser: Telegram API page
  3. Search for the chat id in the response

Proxying requests to the podcast servers

In some cases you also need to proxy the traffic from the PodFetch server via a proxy. For that exists the PODFETCH_PROXY variable. You set it to the address of your proxy.